
Friday, December 5, 2008

are we officially a joke?!?!?!?!

So today was just one of those days....exhausting...yes I know this is our busiest time of year...but man...9 hours on my feet without sitting for one millisecond is just too much for this old girl...not to mention that there wasn't any food entering my system since 7 this morning....YIKES....this is what December is all about!!

The conversation this week in the salon has certainly been about our Canadian Government...and I use that term very

I would never say that I know very much about Canadian Politics..honestly I think I am far more versed in American Politics actually...does anyone remember the night Bush won against Al Gore..I stayed up all night to watch...I think I secretly had a crush on Al Gore or something I just couldn't resist I needed to know how that ended...I am pretty sure I was up until 4am....

Anyways everyone this week is talking about is so funny really. The first thing they teach you in "beauty school" is, don't talk about politics or religion...these are very touchy can lose clients over such plead the 5th or act like an airhead....whatever, just don't have an opinion...
I have tried to follow this rule when I am with my clients...I just listen maybe make a joke...but never get into anything deep.

What I have learned this week is that most people are disgusted with the current situation...I have heard such things as... I doubt I will ever vote Liberal again for many many years, or I don't love Harper but he is the lesser of three evils I think.... and of course Bob Rae has always wanted to be in power and he will do anything to get there...and much much more....
Well I do have my opinion and I too, am disgusted by this situation....but I think I will keep my thoughts to myself for a change. Take my cue from my old "beauty school teachers" keep all opinions to yourself ladies..if you learn anything from us this year remember this!!!:)

All I can say is..........we live in Canada right?? We voted 6 weeks ago right??? So why do these men think they can come in and change everything, without ASKING US the Canadian People??? What is going on....why would anyone listen to thier boss or why would students listen to thier principles or teachers at school...... why would they if this is how the "supposed" leaders of our country are going to behave??.... in my opinion, all of this is just wrong...

I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens next....

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