
Sunday, January 18, 2009

taxi please.......

We had a great night last night, we went out to the Food and Wine show with my brother and his girlfriend and also a couple that we know through Terry's PAG group. We all had a great time. The show was really good, lots of great wines to try and tons of good food. I didn't get into much of the food but I did try some thai jerky which was a bit bizarre..but whatever, I guess they want jerky in Thailand most important stop of the evening was of course refilling my honey stock...haha they always have this awesome booth there that sells all different kinds of I would never put honey on toast...get real, I don't even eat bread let alone put honey on it...but this honey, I could sit with a bag of pretzels and the jar of honey and be set for days........mmmm so good...we got our standard fav raspberry-jalapeno.....ahh can't wait to have company so I can have an excuse to hall it out!!! lol
So the most disturbing part of the evening was trying to hail a cab at the end of the night........ahh so FRUSTRATING.....there were absolutely no cabs at the fair I don't know if any of you ventured out last night but it was COLD...damn cold to be exact, and wet and snowy and just not weather I really wanted to be in, standing on the side of the road in a snow bank waving my hand frantically at cabs that might have come by every 4 minutes.
Not to mention standing there competing with about 50 other people trying to do the same thing, if one more little blonde girl ran out in front of us to try to steal the next "unavailable" cab I was going to my brother finally tracked one down....and we all piled that moment we all look at each other and say, "so what now"...should we just go home and not chance this same experience again downtown...trying to get a cab.......ahhh no lets go to the Tasting Room for a drink and a bit more we needed it........
So away we go, had a few appetizers and another glass of wine! Then it was time to leave.......oh shit I thought I have finally defrosted and here we go again.....same thing...just different scenery, which was funny in itself watching all the young girls in there short skirts, bare legs and heels maneuvering around the snow packed sidewalks....too funny....

Other than the cab diabolically..the night was so much fun....

Today we are heading to Terry's parents for a b-day dinner. I quickly made a card for Terry's Dad and I have got to get my act together on this growth chart for Dee....I took a few pics to post of it so far...I figure if I put them up I will feel the pressure of getting it finished...I get to see the new babies on Tues so I want to have it finished by then!!
happy Sunday everyone.

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