
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a year goes by.....

It is hard for me to believe that a year has gone by since my Grandmother passed away.....May 30th 2008.....I won't forget that day, or the couple of weeks leading up to that day. As my entire family stayed with her as she took the last steps of her journey here on earth!

I was reminded of my Grandmother last Friday night as I curled up in the quilt that she made for me. T asked "is that a quilt that you saved from the cottage" and I immediately said NO my other Grandma gave this to me, she made a quilt for each of us. I don't know if any of the others have received their's it was Grandma's desire to give the quilts as a wedding gift. I reminisced with T about how my Grandmother always had a quilt on the go....all laid out on the dining room table....I was always fascinated by all the squares of fabric, and how she would painstakingly put it all together!

It really is amazing how as we age our memories of our childhood start to resurface and somehow mean so much......or is it because she is gone now....that I remember and wish I could chat with her now......I wonder...ahhh why didn't I get her to teach me more about gardening...or quilting or sewing....darn....all of these things seem important now.....but at the time when she would have been so excited for me to ask for her help....I was too busy being a teenager and a young adult that I guess had better things to do than spend time with her.

I won't pretend that we were ever that close...........for some reason that relationship never blossomed like some. I have friends that I have always envied because they had super close ties with their Grandmas....mine was not like that! I suppose we are all too blame......but that is the way it was........
I am trying to learn from that because it is now a regret.........but luckily I still have time to nurture the relationships I have with my other Grandmother and Grandfather..........I will say though, they have tough shells to crack....private and not the lovey dovey Grandparents you see in our favortite sitcoms and movies....but I will keep much to learn from them and I don't want to miss a beat!!

Here's to a wonderful Grandmother.... and for all the lessons she continues on giving me everyday!
m :)


Sally's World said...

what a great tribute, you speak of your grandparents with such love, how proud they must be of you.... i know those days will never be forgotten, in a way (although people don't often get this) i treasure those last days with Aaron and my own grandparents, as it is still a memory of love, i would still go back and relive them...and the same too...even though i know what is to follow.

lovely post, you are an angel!! xxx

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother and for the anniversary of her passing bringing up the emotions all over again. :(

Some day I will learn how to quilt! I think it's so cool!

Anonymous said...

I miss my grandfathers so much. I am lucky to have both grandmother's still living. But I am often caught off guard as a memory from childhoold pops in my head about visiting their homes (that they don't live in anymore) and feel a huge pang of sorrow. I feel lucky to have such great memories but it is a reminder of time lost and time moving on.

Anonymous said...

Michelle: Thank you for the beautiful tribute to your Grandma.Love, Mom.

Erica said...

I know how hard those anniversaries are. I'm always surprised at how close those memories quickly we can pull them up. It's wonderful that you have the memories that you do.