
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

success principles.....

I have been reading this really awesome book this last week or so...called The Success Principles....thanks to my Aunt Carol who told me about it! I am really loving it, it is an amazing read for anyone with goals that they would like to achieve..whether it may be personal, business, your future or your right now. The author of the book is one of the many individuals responsible for the Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
On New Years Day I woke up really early and read it for about 5 hours was just so motivating I couldn't put it down. I would point out particular paragraphs for Terry to read and then I would continue with my pencil....underlining sentences and quotes that really spoke to me.

There have been so many different things that have hit me in this of them being the 18/40/60 rule...
when you are 18, you worry about what everybody is thinking of you
when you are 40, you don't give a darn what anybody thinks of you
when you're 60, you realize nobody's been thinking about you at all
what others think about you is none of your business....

Now I wish I could say that I know this already and I never worry about what others are thinking, but as most of you realize I would be sooooo lying to you right ahhh I wonder if people ever really truly feel like this...they truly get to the point where they just don't care????
I can remember my Mom saying to me a few summers ago....we were chatting at the cottage and I imagine we were lying out in the sun together, I probably made some really insecure comment about my legs or body in Mom said "Michelle stop being so hard on yourself"..and then she stopped and said "I know how you feel I used to be like that....that is what is soooo great about being in my 50's it just doesn't matter to me anymore what people think of me in a bathing suit...if you don't like it don't long as I am healthy I am not going to worry about not looking like women in the magazines at this point in my life"....
I have thought of this conversation soooo many times since then....oh I can't wait to get there..when I really don't care what others think of me...

I worry way too much about what others think, I sometimes make myself almost sick over what others are thinking or saying....
I do know logically that the only people I should worry about are the people that are the nearest and dearest to me...making sure I am doing my best and putting my all into those relationships, not spending so much energy on what others think about such trivial what my legs look like in a bathing suit, if they liked there hair after they left my shop and what they might say to everyone else...etc, etc.....

I know I have some work to do to get there....but this is going to be one of my goals this stop worrying so much about what others may be thinking about me...because quite frankly it is none of my business......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so this is the year I see your legs? lol